
With this blog I want to publish some articles from my great collection of music magazines and papers from over 40 years.  I plan on spending the next 20 years of my life doing this, so we have all the time in the world. 😉

While doing this I hope I am able to help to preserve a small part of music history, while also giving credit to those journalists that actually were the writers of this important part of history for us music lovers!

My collection is taking too much room now, so I also want to sell the original papers/magazines to anyone interested. I will probably also sell off parts of my record collection.  If I find your bid interesting, I will  take down the ad after the article and we will make our transaction through my verified Paypal account.  If you are living in Norway, as I do, we may find other solutions than Paypal.

Other things you may find interesting: I am a male, born December 31st,  1965. I live in Trondheim, Norway.

I spend most of my days working in education. I train adults in issues relating to The Working Environment Act. I have a lot of fun with that, as I am a bit of a nerd in my field of expertise. I think i`m quite good at it, but then again, why shouldn`t I be? You would expect your dentist or plumber to do a good job – so why not your teacher? I also get to travel a lot in my job.

Beside my work, I have a huge interest in music, both reading about it, listening to it and dabbling a bit myself with some singing and a guitar. This has led me to be the owner of a large collection of music-related objects. In my youth I even worked freelance for a radiostation called Radio 1, doing interviews with artists and music programming over a period of three years.

As time goes by I have developed or continued to have an interest in a lot of things; among them photography, computer games, movies, geocaching, litterature, travelling, fishing and football (primarily Grimsby Town – up the Mariners!)

I live with two very grown up children (among them a boy who is a world champion and a highly accomplished poker player and a girl who is left-handed and confirms all myths about their artistic abilities) and the love of my life who I suspect are fighting hard to have some time with me between all of my projects.

The last time I was really, truly bored was sometime in the spring of 1981.  Life is too interesting to be bored! You shouldn`t be bored either. At least you could fend off some boredom by reading my blog.


  1. hi geir, i’m concerned about the re publishing offer you made on your blog. I’d like to authorize the republishing of of my work personally. i wonder what concept of ownership are you applying here?
    “and you are free to use it as you like. If you use it on your own webpages – please credit me or put up a link to my blog.”
    i notice no link to my site. what gives?
    -jaan uhelszki


    1. Please tell me the address of your site and I will credit you accordingly! I didn`t know about your site, but I have tried to credit you in the text. Please tell me how I can credit you to your liking. I am not trying to claim ownership – just letting music fans have access to some articles they might otherwise not see! Hope we can agree on something – please mail me at geirmykl@gmail.com for further discussion!


  2. hi geir,
    and thanks for using my story. could you please delete this:
    “I have personally transcribed this from the original paper and you are free to use it as you like. If you use it on your own webpages – please credit me or put up a link to my blog”
    i am most concerned that you are granting rights that you don’t own.


    1. No problem. Will do. I`m trying my best to be respectful to the original writers by putting their names in as a searchword on my blog, and I will also remove articles if it is the wish of the owner of these brilliant articles from an era sadly gone by.
      Love from Norway to the fifth Kiss(ette)! 😉


  3. Hi Geir,

    I’m working on a book about the Framus Akkerman guitar and saw that in the 22/02/1975 edition of New Musical Express (NME) there appeared an article called ‘road testing the Framus Akkeman’. Is there any possibility to obtain a high resolution scan of this page for me to use in the book?

    Thanks in advance & best regards


  4. I have been looking for a copy or original letter published by NME, from Eric Stewart of 10cc, after the damning review of How Dare You ! LP, by Peter Erskine. Do you have it and are you planning to put it up on your blog ?


  5. Hi, I’m working on a new documentary series about the music/politics of the year 1971 and was hoping to get in touch with James Johnson. Do you have any means of contacting him?


  6. Hi, my name is Martin Storkmann (Germany) and I am writing for David Christie’s “Doo Dah Diaries” (i.e. the history of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band). In the SOUNDS edition of 20 November 1971 there was an article on things happening at Richard Branson’s Manor Studios with a picture of lots of artists being busy there. And it said
    “Now what’s this all about? Let’s look a little closer … Um, there’s Vivian Stanshall, and yes, that’s Neil Innes bending down, and … there’s a dog. Could it be the cast for a re-make of “Wuthering Heights”? What are the old Bonzos doing? Next week we’ll tell you the whole startling story.”
    But – I don’t know what was written in that “next week” issue. Can you maybe help?


  7. Hello there! Firstly, I would like to thank you for posting such spectacular content for all to see. You’re a SAINT for sharing all of these rare and special gems, like digging up buried treasure. We reeeeally appreciate the effort and commitment you put into your blog!

    That being said, would you be so kind as to post even MORE early Queen/Freddie Mercury articles — if you have any more that is, please? As I am a ginormous fan and have such a soft spot for those precious early days!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Glad you appreciate it. I can guarantee with utmost certainty that I will post more stuff regarding Queen/Mercury when I find it. Especially after your feedback today! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re a God send 🙏🏻! Thank you so very much, I have my notifications on for whenever you do post ☺️

        Have a great day and stay safe our there! ♥️🤗


  8. Your site is certainly a motherload. Still reading. Thank you for all these.
    By the way, on an off chance would you have a copy of Keith Tichards interview in the Feb. 17, 1990 issue of NME? Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My uncle left england and was a room mate of joe cocker in America and worked for melody maker magazine and info on this legend would be much appreciated.i can be contacted on 07788107706


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