Day: February 10, 2024

ARTICLE ABOUT Status Quo FROM Sounds, January 15, 1977

I wonder about this one. You hear stories of music journalists reviewing concerts they never went to and this one could have easily been written from home. Not that I would want to accuse Mr. Dadomo of anything, but even he must admit that this “review” wasn`t the greatest ever written.
Read on.

Denim blues

Status Quo

Concert review by Giovanni Dadomo

I’M INTO mohair meself. Or, rather, I’m in mohair, the bulk of my outer garments comprising an ancient but still highly wearable (if you ignore the moth-hole in the crotch, and I do) moddy suit complete with side vents and three slanting flap pockets.
Yeah, the little one’s for your lighter but I’m sure no-one’s that interested anyway.
Only there’s around six thousand people in this vast concrete hangar with me an I think they’re all wearing denim.
I mean, denim’s alright I suppose but it’s such a bugger to wash and it stretches and never really fades right all over. And I always seem to get these horrible irremovable marks running up across my calf from my inner heel, too. Looks really filthy doesn’t it? Plus it’s really expensive nowadays.
Anyway, the reason I’m going through all this fabric analysis is there’s this group onstage name of Status Quo and everyone’s going barmy and all I seem to be doing is watching my foot tap up and down to the rhythm.
And that’s all — just my bloody foot going up and down, up and down. I feel like a Sikh who’s just walked into the local synagogue by mistake.
This is why I’m going through my pockets looking for a scrap of that wonderful blue stuff. See, I’ve got this compulsion that if only I was wearing a pair of Mr. Levi’s trousers I’d be having a whale of of a time.
Failure sets me scrambling in other directions, peering down from the balcony at this bobbing sea of heads with its twelve thousand arms waving about and suddenly digging on this great ritual being carried out at the altar of, ahem, rock’n’roll.
I twig right near the end that it’s really very simple — Status Quo are a DANCE BAND. And right, what we have here is this enormous mass of people dancing together.
Trouble is, I can only see about a hundred girls out there, three, four times that number at most. So I’m back where I started, wondering what the hell is going on here. I mean, I like girls.
God. My brain hurts. Must be this bloody suit.

The original music paper this article came from (pictured at the top) is for sale!
Send me an e-mail if you are interested. Send it to:
The offer should be 20 $ (US Dollars) to be considered. (This includes postage).
If you order several papers – contact me for a “special” offer.
We conduct the transaction through my verified Paypal account for the safety of both parties.
If you have a large collection of the following magazines, don`t throw them out, but contact me as I would be very interested in these: Creem, Circus, Hit Parader and Metal Edge.

If you have a music-related web-page where this fits – please make a link to the article. With credits to the original writer of the article from all of us music fans!